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Just came across a great free tool called OmniDiskSweeper which is very easy to use. Basically, it outlines exactly what files fo what size you have in what folders on your drive.

I recovered 10 GB without much trouble that I wasn’t even aware I was “wasting”.

Incidentally, on my Mac which has just 2GB of RAM, this tool discovered a 2GB file called sleepimage which I didn’t know I had. Well, it’s what’s used to save all the stuff you have in RAM when the computer goes to sleep. If you lose power, your work will be retrievable through the sleepimage. There’s no point in trashing it as it’ll be remade on the next boot. It can be discarded, however, if you decide to change from sleep mode 3 to the older sleep mode thus saving a lot of space. Read about it here.

Nearly two weeks into the new year and this is my first post of 2011 in this blog. Anyway, I’m starting on a rather low key, but nevertheless very useful, note.

If you need to exact path of a file or a folder in OS X, it’s not as easy to get it as it is in Linux. However, I came across this collection of ways to overcome this problem in Quora. Basically, there are three options:

1. Open Finder, select your file or folder, then drag it to an open terminal window and drop it. The full path will be printed in the terminal

2. Select the file or folder in Finder and then click on Get Info (either right click and select from the context menu or just Cmd-i). The path is shown in the Where item. Copy this by highlighting and Cmd-c or simply by tripling clicking on the path. Paste it to wherever you want with Cmd-v

3. Use the script as explained in this link.


My MacBook which is 10 months old, and has probably been my principal computer over that time, was starting to get quite sluggish in its operation. In particular, while it used to boot in 35-40 seconds, now the boot was taking about 90 seconds.

So, I turned to this very useful guide on how to get rid of this lethargy. However, I really only tried one of the tips which was to run Onyx which is sort of a more sophisticated version of CCleaner but only for a Mac.

I ran through ALL of the options provided for de-crufting my machine which took about 30 minutes. However, the results were spectacular and now I’m back to a 40 second boot. However, I wish I knew which of the various options gave the most benefit. Maybe next time, I do a more scientific analysis of the benefits of Onyx which might allow me to speed things up  a lot more quickly.

I really like this. Using a simple, free download, I now have a different photo in each of the four Desktops I have on my MacBook (OS X 10.6.2).

Here’s the simple tutorial.

This is something that I’d thought about for some time and even tried but ran into some insuperable problems.

However, this link provides an extremely detailed tutorial to get OS X 10.6.2 on a HP Mini 1000. Not only that, but this compatibility chart says that OS X should work perfectly on my EeePC 901.

Now I have to figure out what I’m going to do with all the other OSes I have on this tiny little machine. In reality, I use Ubuntu Lucid Beta and occasionally Haiku, I really never use Linux Mint, OpenSUSE or Pardus so they’re just taking up space.

So, I’ll probably be aiming for a triple boot system with OS X, Ubuntu and Haiku. I’ll use a combination of Grub2 and rEFIt to get everything booted.

OK, exciting times ahead. Let’s see how it goes.

Haven’t tried this but it claims to weed out the crap that might accumulate over time in your Mac making it slow and cumbersome.

Unfortunately, although I have a MacBook C2D, I’ve never really warmed to it and it only for Linux these days. Maybe I should go back and learn some more about OS X.

Got this from Lifehacker. Includes a webcast detailing this guy’s preferred Mac apps. Not sure right now how many are free.

What’s that picture?

This is part of a painting called The Hunters by dutch painter Pieter Bruegel from about 1560. I love this guy's work and those of his other family members. They provide a real opportunity to go back in time and participate in life 500 years ago in north-western Europe.

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