You are currently browsing the daily archive for 24/02/2009.

I got into Linux through Ubuntu and I still consider it my principal OS. it’s easily the one I know best and trust most and I generally turn to it whenever I need to do something just a little out of the ordinary.

However, Ubuntu is Gnome-based and I know that most of the high-powered Linux users (inlcuding Linus Torvalds) prefer KDE. I tried it a few times (up to and including KDE 4) but really never saw why it was thought to be better than Gnome (or Fluxbox or whatever others).

Nevertheless, here’s a nice tutorial about installing KDE 4,2 in Ubuntu which I might just be tempted to try as long as I can preserve the option to switch back to Gnome if the going gets too tough.

Just to mention that I’m going back to Brazil tomorrow so I’m not sure when the next post will be. This is particularly the case as, where I’m going, there may not be an internet connection for a while (a “while” being up to a week).

This is a lot more interesting than useful but it worked well in Ubuntu 8.04 on my EeePC 901.

This is the command required where video.avi is the name of your video:

mplayer -vo caca video.avi

What’s that picture?

This is part of a painting called The Hunters by dutch painter Pieter Bruegel from about 1560. I love this guy's work and those of his other family members. They provide a real opportunity to go back in time and participate in life 500 years ago in north-western Europe.

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February 2009
